Askadmin 1.5 serial
Askadmin 1.5 serial

This latest version have alarm system by email and have more secure device lock and program lock system. In this latest version have improved with many new great features and options for make more secure of your USB drive and device. GiliSoft USB Lock 5.1.0 + License Key is the latest version of 2015. It will also give you programs lock, device lock, data leak prevention etc. It will alarm you by email if try to unlock with wrong password more than 5 times. It increase your privacy and safe you from copy rights and piracy. You can able to copy protect your USB drive or CD/DVD data by this awesome software. You can also lock specific website for visit unknown person by Internet Explorer. GiliSoft USB Lock Full Version will protect you form stolen your data of your USB drive. If your are worried about to stolen your impotent data from your USB drive then don't worry. GiliSoft USB Lock 5.1.0 + Serial Key Final - GiliSoft USB Lock is a very powerful tool for protect your USB drives, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, and other devices, as well as restrict access to specific websites and applications. Download GiliSoft USB Lock 6.4.0 Serial Key

Askadmin 1.5 serial